Make a fresh start in your art practice for 2021!
In this interactive seminar Sandra will discuss how to establish some goals for yourself as an artist this year. Are you an artist looking to further your visual arts practice and develop your skills?

Do you need help with:
Planning your year: what’s your process
Exhibitions: approaching galleries, proposals
Marketing: promotional tools
Developing your own show: installation, catalogues
Communication: CVs and artist statements

If you are an emerging artist, there will definitely be something to be gained from this event. Ideal for artists in any media. This is a special opportunity to ask a Curator embedded in the WA visual arts scene for practical and professional advice, register now!

Meet Sandra Murray

Sandra is an independent art curator, consultant and arts mentor; clients include Artsource, the Royal Agricultural Society of WA and Bankwest. She has a depth of experience in working with artists, including directing and curating for art and museum institutions in WA and NSW and has worked in the public, corporate, not-for-profit, and private sectors.

Sandra has project managed and curated over 60 art and museum exhibitions. She holds a particular passion for contemporary West Australian art and is the Lead Curator for Sculpture at Bathers 2022 in Fremantle. This year she is curating two exhibitions in Perth; Unseen: Art from the Kimberley at Flux Gallery, and Finders Keepers: Nalda Searles as part of the Indian Ocean Craft Triennal at Mundaring Arts Centre.

Free admission
Saturday 6 February, 11am
Courthouse Gallery+Studio, 16 Edgar St,
Port Hedland 6721