Exhibition 06/08/21 - 17/09/21

The Junction Co. warmly welcomes the Martumili Mob for a special Courthouse Gallery+Studio exhibition – showcasing a fun and diverse group show by emerging and established Martumili Artists. All are invited to celebrate the contemporary identity of the artist group, and the unique environments the Martu artists work in.
Featuring artists who work in the communities of
Parnpajinya (Newman), Jigalong, Parnngurr, Kunawarritji, Irrungadji and Warralong, Martumili Mob brings the energy, vibrancy and culture of the East Pilbara Arts Centre, and the remote community art sheds to Port Hedland. For Martu, art making is about so much more than paintings – the art centre is a space of community connection, story-telling, cultural celebration, and communal joy. This exhibition offers the Port Hedland community a chance to be get to know the incredible people and experiences that make Martumili so special.
This vibrant exhibition captures the energy that Martumili Artists have for creating and presenting their work and illustrates the Martu Peoples’ commitment to sharing the importance of Country and keeping culture alive.
Martumili Mob features artwork by Attaya Angie, Gladys Kuru Bidu, Biddy Bunawarrie, Marianne Burton, Derrick Butt, Nancy Nyanjilpayi (Ngarnjapayi) Chapman, Amy French, Kumpaya Girgirba, Lily Jatarr Long, Roxanne Newberry, Mary Rowlands, Judith Anya Samson, Desmond Taylor, Curtis Taylor, Muuki Taylor, Debra Thomas, Bugai Whyoulter, Cyril Whyoulter, Corban Clause Williams and Pauline Williams.
Martumili Artists represents Martu artists working across 7 communities in the East Pilbara, with its central operations based in Newman.
To register your interest in purchasing work from the exhibition, email gallery@thejunctionco.com.au
Gallery+Studio members can purchase work via the phone from 5pm.
Exhibition Opening
Friday 06 August, 6pm-8pm
Artist Talk
Saturday 07 August, 11am
Free Admission
Courthouse Gallery+Studio
16 Edgar Street, Port Hedland